The left against the Creation

In an e-mail exchange about racial profiling, back in June 2002, a correspondent wrote:

There is one concept that the Left has worked hard to eliminate from America and it is not “racial profiling.” It is “criteria”: criteria in testing, criteria in differentiating people, criteria in describing people, criteria in good and evil, etc. The left’s agenda is akin to Communism; to make us all the same and not hurt anyone’s feelings. Remember everyone in China dressing in Mao suits?

Judaism came into the world to show the importance of maintaining differences, criteria and distinctions. It is really what “Holiness” is all about! No wonder they hate us.

My reply:

Right on. God in creating the world made distinctions: light and darkness, water and land, male and female. That’s what the left can’t stand. They don’t like the universe!

Except, of course, when they make unprincipled exceptions to their own leftism, which they need to do in order to go on existing and having a nice life in this world.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 17, 2005 08:33 PM | Send

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