Race blindness run amuck in France

Boy, do we live in a politically correct world. A French reader writing to Steve Sailer, backed up by Martin Walker of the UPI, lets on that the majority of the rioters in France were not Arabs but blacks. A month after the riots began, that is the first indication I’ve seen of this fact anywhere. The subject came up in the context of French politicians blaming the riots on polygamy. The reader wrote to Sailer:

In the ultra-politically-correct-never-talk-about-race country like France, what the right-wing deputies wanted to say when they said that “polygamy is the problem” is “black people are the problem” since the majority of the rioters were of Black ancestry. This is why there relatively few riots in Marseille or Lyon, these cities have many Arabs but few Blacks, compared to Paris. So the riots are more related to I.Q. and race than to religion in my humble opinion.

What kind of world is this, where the most basic facts about important events are covered up, because people believe it’s not nice to talk about them?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 18, 2005 12:35 PM | Send

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