Running out the clock, time standing still, cont.

In the last few weeks, with the renewed “debate” on President Bush’s Iraq policy (though in fact we never had a debate in the first place), the president’s side is labeled as “stay the course.” Unfortunately, “stay the course” was already an empty, bankrupt, meaningless, deceptive slogan two years ago, as indicated in this e-mail I wrote in November 2003 to Ann Coulter. Since, as I argued, we were not on any course to win the war in Iraq, it was absurd to talk about “staying the course.” I asked Coulter (naturally she didn’t reply):

Have YOU thought through these issues? Do YOU have a concept of victory in this war, and what we would have to do to achieve it? If not, then you are drifting along with “stay the course,” imagining that to mock the Democrats’ absurdities is a policy.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 27, 2005 07:40 AM | Send

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