Amen corner refurbished

In referring to President Bush’s “amen corner,” which was Patrick Buchanan’s phrase about Israel supporters in D.C. that got him in trouble in 1990 (though I personally never felt it was an anti-Semitic comment), I’m turning the phrase into something about Bush and his legions of yes men. I’m resurrecting that crack (which I have always found funny, even now, years after I realized that Buchanan is an Israel hater) in a non-Jewish, non-anti-Semitic context, free of its former baggage.

I mean, this is the true amen corner of our time, right? The contingent who like a bunch of puppets repeats in unison, “Oh, that President Bush, he’s finally spoken the real truth about Iraq, it’s so great, we’ve been so eagerly waiting for this,” when, in fact, Bush’s “new revelation” about Iraq consists of exactly the same boilerplate he’s used about 100 times previously. The point is, the robotic conformity of Bush’s amen corner far transcends anything Buchanan was thinking about in 1990.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 02, 2005 01:44 AM | Send

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