5,000 whites rioted in Sydney

On December 6, several days before the big riot occurred, Sydney’s Daily Telegraph had spoken plainly of the habitual harassment and violence by Middle Easterners against whites at the Cronulla Beach. Now, in the aftermath of the white riot that resulted from that harassment and violence, the paper has switched completely to condemnation of the whites. Here are several stories from the paper’s December 12 edition:

Task Force to tackle thugs
PM condemns racial violence
Race riots predictable, says Arabic council
Day of disgrace
Riots revenge for Bali—MP
Alcohol and hate

The most interesting news is the size of the riot. I was stunned when I read these words: “[The Prime Minister] condemned incidents in which up to 5,000 people descended on North Cronulla Beach, chanting racist slogans and attacking people of Middle Eastern appearance.” That is not a number of people that can be easily dismissed and demonized as hooligans and racists. A number this large bespeaks a profound rage among the Australian people at their country’s ongoing surrender to foreigners and cultural aliens. These Aussies are mad as hell and they’re not going to take it any more.

No one likes violence, but when the authorities of a country turn against that country, when they side with aliens and criminals and condemn the natives, and when they prohibit all civilized forms of protest by the natives, what recourse is left but violence? Our own forebears in the 1770s did not win their national existence by sitting peacefully at home.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 12, 2005 12:03 AM | Send

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