Mad as hell and not taking it any more

Under the headline, “Alcohol and Hate,” here is the most detailed account of the white riot in Cronulla. What is described in this article is the low level behavior of a drunken mob, something I’ve despised all my life. But—I’m being honest here about my feelings—I find that I can’t condemn them. With its immigration and inclusion policies, our historic civilization is dying, allowing itself to be put to sleep like a crippled dog in a kennel. All these years, there has been no reaction. That’s why I said, in April 2001, that “America No Longer Exists.” Not that America has literally ceased to exist, but that it shows no signs of resistance against the forces that are destroying it. Under the current social order non-whites manifest themselves as groups, ever more demanding and full of themselves and of their own resentment, while whites are forbidden, on any level, from manifesting themselves as a group. White people in public life today are not even allowed to say anything positive about white people as white people. When you silence a people, when you prohibit them from speaking in their own behalf, when you forbid them to engage in civilized protest, they will eventually express themselves and protest their grievances in less civilized ways. We, the people of the West, must stand up for ourselves, we must say no to the destruction of our countries by this insane mass immigration of non-Westerners. If 5,000 people in one city, if 10,000 people in another, if 100,000 in another, came out into the streets and protested—or rioted—against what is happening, that would radically alter our politics.

It’s painfully simple. The de-Westernization of the West has proceeded apace because we have never said, loudly and clearly, that we didn’t want it. This was partly because our societies did not allow us to say it, and partly because we ourselves have been unforgivably lazy and indifferent. Do you realize, in this age of protest marches, that there has never been a march on Washington protesting our suicidal immigration policies?

So the upshot is, I can’t condemn these drunken rampaging Australians. They are demonstating, even if the demonstration takes a low and even violent form, signs of life—the life that can save us.

Here is the Daily Telegraph article:

THEY called it a day of pride, but it will go down as a day of national disgrace.

Thousands of drunken youths descended on Cronulla yesterday for the race riots police had feared.

“I’m an Australian, I was born here,” a Middle Eastern youth told locals who had taunted him with chants of “Kill Lebs”.

Minutes later, he was left covered in blood, punched to the ground and kicked, before being led to safety by police.

Two Middle Eastern girls were also pushed to the ground and pelted with beer bottles as police tried to rescue them.

The day began as a show of solidarity with thousands of locals draping themselves in Australian flags and calling for peace in their beachside suburb.

Up to 150 police, including the dog squad and the PolAir helicopter, were positioned to cope with the 5000-strong crowd.

But as the beer flowed into the afternoon, the huge crowd became violent, roaming the streets in search of a target for their anger.

The threats had been made since two volunteer lifesavers were bashed eight days ago—and yesterday, they were looking to get square.

Few Middle Eastern youths came to Cronulla, but those who did became victims of mob justice.

Police reacted only to rescue the victims of the bashings and rushed them to safety through the front entrance of the local Northies pub.

“What the Lebs did last week was low and it’s time we showed a bit of pride towards where we live,” Luke O’Brien, a volunteer lifesaver said.

Another local, Peter, said the huge show of force yesterday had been “coming for five or six years”.

“Our girls can’t get from the water to their towels without being threatened by these maggots,” he said.

In one of the early outbreaks of violence, a Middle Eastern teenager was chased from the beach-side park across the road to Northies by a mob of hundreds.

He was assaulted before seeking refuge inside the hotel.

A hotel security guard said he had seen the victim with two other young males and a young woman earlier in the day and they were not causing trouble.

Later, another man was trapped against the back of a ute and bashed in the back before a police officer stepped in.

Northies closed its doors at 2pm yesterday to avoid the mob and two bottle shops shut at the request of police at 5pm.

Ambulance officers treated dozens of injuries, mostly assault-related injuries or from broken glass.

Shortly before 3pm, word spread among thousands of youths that a Lebanese gang was arriving at Cronulla train station.

Some of the mob entered the train station and jumped on a train, where they proceeded to search for anyone of Middle Eastern appearance.

They found two males and began bashing them before police intervened, using batons as they dragged the youths off the train and formed a human shield around the station.

The violence peaked about 4.20pm near the North Cronulla Surf Club when a brawl broke out and six males were injured.

Police escorted them into the club and called an ambulance, which was chaperoned through the crowd by mounted officers.

The mob gathered to block the ambulance’s path and then began shouting and throwing bottles, smashing its windows.

The crowd also tried to kick in the doors. One ambulance officer was struck in the head with a bottle and another was cut on the arm by shattered glass.

Five of the six patients in the ambulance were taken into the care of police while the sixth man was taken to St George Hospital suffering injuries to his face and body.

By late afternoon, the baying crowd, many of them drunk, began to turn on riot squad police and emergency services.

By 7pm, 10 people had been arrested.

They included a 28-year-old Cronulla man, charged with affray, a 16-year-old Sutherland teenager, charged with offensive conduct, a 35-year-old Kareela man, charged with offensive conduct, and a 17-year-old Cronulla teenager charged with assaulting police.

Assistant Police Commissioner Mark Goodwin—himself a Cronulla local—branded the day’s events as “nothing short of disgusting, and disgraceful”.

“What has been occurring on some fronts is that people of Middle Eastern backgrounds that have been seen in the Cronulla area—a swarm of the crowd has approached these people with vile abuse, in the most un-Australian way.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 12, 2005 01:44 AM | Send

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