Dhimmitude watch: universities accept big bucks to fund Islamic studies programs

Remember the Saudi gift horse that Mayor Giuliani looked in the mouth? Shortly after the 9/11 attack, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, a member of the Saudi royal family, offered to pay New York City something like $10 million to help pay for the reconstruction, if in return New York began looking at the “real” cause of the attack which was U.S. support for Israel. To his everlasting credit, Mayor Giuliani instantly saw the political extortion for what it was, and told the Saudi jerk to take a hike. Now the same Alwaleed has offered $20 million to Harvard University and Georgetown University to pay for the establishment of Islamic studies departments, and those two august institutions have accepted. According to the New York Times (via Jihad Watch), “Harvard said it would create a universitywide program on Islamic studies, recruit new faculty members in the field, provide more support for graduate students and convert rare Islamic textual sources into digital formats to make them widely available.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 13, 2005 10:12 AM | Send

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