Bringing hope to the French

Paul Sperry’s important article at FrontPage Magazine yesterday (discussed at VFR) about how the truth of Islam is finally being taught and discussed in the Pentagon, has been translated into French and appears at the website, Occidentalis. A French commenter named “Reconquistador” is as excited by the piece as some of us in the U.S. are. He writes (translation provided by a VFR reader):

This article warms my heart. I really feel that salvation will come once again from our American cousins. The article is completely in line with the book entitled “The West’s Last Chance” written by an American [Tony Blankley] and which I recommend to all Anglophiles. (…)

Influential people in high places are beginning to move things in the right direction, they are not about to give up, they care about their country and western civilization, as do the Australians to whom I tip my hat for their recent act of rebellion.

The mind evolves slowly but surely, all is not lost. Courage, People of Gaul!

Here’s the original comment:

Ce rapport me réchauffe le coeur, j’ai bien l’impression que le salut viendra une fois de plus de nos cousins américains. Ce rapport va tout à fait dans le sens du livre “The West’s last chance” écrit récemment par un américain, et que je recommande aux anglophiles (commandable sur

Des Américains haut placés et influents sont en train de faire bouger les choses dans le bon sens, ils ne sont pas prêts de lâcher prise, ils tiennent à leur pays et à la civilisation occidentale, eux, tout comme les Australiens auxquels je tire mon chapeau pour leur récent acte de rébellion.

Les mentalités évoluent lentement mais sûrement, tout n’est pas perdu, courage les Gaulois!

In reading this upbeat statement from a continent that sometimes seems all but lost, let us remind ourselves what is bringing to the writer the renewed hope of salvation: it is the news that the truth about Islam is being recognized in high places in the United States. Then remember that there are those among us who are committed lock, stock and barrel to denying that truth, which, if their attempt succeeded, would leave Europe (and the rest of us) in despair.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 15, 2005 10:51 AM | Send

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