The EU and Eurabia—perfect together

The first installment of a new feature at Jihad Watch called Eurabia Watch offers a lucid description of the structure of power within the EU, the sinister bureaucratic behemoth to which the peoples of Europe have handed over their national sovereignties, their freedoms and, it appears, their souls. At the end of the article the author (sporting the improbable pen name Emily Bradford) makes the chilling connection between the picture of utterly centralized authority she has been painting and the Islam situation in Europe:

[The total lack of democracy and accountability] has obvious implications for Europe’s most urgent problem: millions of unassimilated Muslim immigrants, thousands of imams preaching Islamic supremacism, and self-proclaimed mujahideen bombing subways, raping teenagers, and torching cars and churches. Many Europeans are upset and want action, but entrenched and aloof Eurocrats have so far refused to respond. Their steadfast inaction is producing two disturbing developments: frustrated citizens are being driven into the arms of extreme nationalist parties, which have been steadily gaining influence; and authorities are increasingly treating freedom of speech as a limited and negotiable right. The growing conflict between the government and the people is adding an even uglier dimension to the Eurabian experiment.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 16, 2005 04:00 PM | Send

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