A Christmas gift for America: How to keep America from becoming a national-security state

The left is insanely aroused over the fact that President Bush ordered warrantless searches, for example, monitoring for possible nuclear radiation in the vicinity of about one hundred Muslim mosques and other Muslim sites in the Washington, D.C. area. The president’s defenders reply, with complete logic and sense, that warrantless searches are required when a search is clearly called for, yet there is an absence of probable cause to search any given site. This is the whole point. When there is a general category, such as Muslim mosques, that may reasonably be feared to be involved in nuclear terrorism including low-yield “dirty” bombs, yet the government lacks the evidence to get a warrant, the president acts under his war powers to defend the country, rather than under the ordinary rules of criminal investigation. The same goes for such programs as the data mining of telecommunications between the U.S. and terror hot spots such as Afghanistan. Yet the left will continue to wage a virtual civil war against the administration for carrying out such sensible programs, charging that they signal the imminent (a word the lefties don’t mock when it suits their cynical purposes) death of free government.

May I offer the VFR solution to this dilemma? As long as there is a substantial Muslim population in this country, warrantless searches for terrorist nuclear weapons and other possible WMDs will be necessary. But if there were no Muslims or very few Muslims in America, such warrantless searches would not be needed. The way to protect America permanently from Muslim terrorism, and from supposed police-state-type methods to defend us from such terrorism, and from the endless political nastiness generated by such searches, is to get most Muslims to leave this country, either through deportation or voluntary departure. No Muslims—no possibility of Muslim terrorism—no national-security state (or even a leftist fantasy of a national security state) encroaching on our ordinary freedoms. We win back an America free of the fear of Islamic jihad, and we regain our freedoms and our constitutional restraints on government.

And that—a word of counsel aimed at preserving peace and brotherhood and joy and freedom in the world, or at least in our own country, the only country we properly have control over—is my last word before Christmas.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 24, 2005 03:00 PM | Send

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