The canary is not doing well

In a good article at FrontPage Magazine, David Hornik sums up the present moral exhaustion and moral capitulation of Israel. I have noticed for years how Israeli spokesmen, particularly Likud officials, who used to demonstrate impressive moral and logical energy against the enemies of Israel, have become mechanical in their responses, merely plodding through the motions, lacking any moral clarity and conviction against the lies and evils beseiging their country. Expand that “hunkered down,” ennervated quality of the government spokesmen to the spiritual condition of an entire people, and you have a picture of the present state of Israel.

As I discussed yesterday, we of the West have accepted a false, liberal view of reality, which in turn has propelled us into a series of counterproductive courses to which, we falsely believe, there is no alternative, which in turn only increases our (mostly unacknowledged) despair. The Israelis are the prime exemplars—and victims—of this suicidal Western mindset.

Among the instances Hornik gives of Israeli surrender is that an Arab member of the Knesset, Azmi Bishara, called for ongoing Arab war against Israel, yet was not denied his seat or punished in any way. In my article yesterday, as one of a set of actions I said the West would take if it were not blinded and demoralized by liberal assumptions, I recapitulated my call for the transfer of Palestinians from the west side of the Jordan. That expulsion should include a substantial number of Israeli Arabs such as Bishara.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 27, 2005 11:36 AM | Send

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