Why the (obvious and necessary) expedient of deportation is taboo
A reader explains why, for all the talk today about the threat of Islamization, Mark Steyn and other critics of Islam never mention the possibility of removing even some Muslims from the West: they are still controlled by the fear of seeming Nazi-like. Another reader turns this conventional wisdom on its head and says that it is the Muslims who are the Nazis, while we traditionalist defenders of the West are the anti-Nazis. A reader writes:
With respect to Steyn: I think there is a deep unspoken fear among Western elites that if Europe and the West actually began to reassert their traditional identity, we would automatically all turn into Nazis (which is garbage). Telling foreigners (especially Muslims) that they must leave the West and go back to their traditional homelands is not the same as rounding people up into camps and killing them. Again, the deep fear is that Nazism (or some kind of murderous white supremacist movement)will arise. Hitler did a good job of ruining Europe and the West, and his ghost still haunts us to this day. His name and his cause are used to smear anyone who attempts to assert a traditional Western identity. If we are to reassert our identity we must do so in a controlled and DEFENSIVE fashion. Defending our people and our traditional civilization is not a choice, it is an obligation.A conservative reader from Sweden writes:
The cause of Hitler is being used to smear anyone who attempts to assert a traditional Western identity, quite as said.As I’ve said myself, the way to understand Muhammad is that he was a successful Hitler. There is a lot to chew on in that statement. Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 03, 2006 08:06 PM | Send Email entry |