Mexico’s hostile program against America

I have recently been reading up on the Mexican situation, which I have not followed as closely as I should have over the last few years, especially since 9/11. Fortunately, others have not been so remiss. Revelatory articles, such as Allan Wall’s “Why Is America Negotiating Away Her Sovereignty?”, at FrontPage Magazine in 2001, and Heather Mac Donald’s “Mexico’s Undiplomatic Diplomats”, in the Fall 2005 City Journal, paint a picture that goes far beyond our usual notions of illegal immigration as a spontaneous mass migration of people into the U.S. The reality is that illegal immigration has become part of an organized campaign by the Mexican state to gain power over the U.S. and subvert its laws and sovereignty. In fact, just as the illegal immigration issue is now discussed in the mainstream, while legal immigration remains off the chart, in the same way, only illegal immigration is discussed, and not the concerted imperialistic program by the Mexican state of which the illegal immigration is the tool and weapon. Mexican illegal immigration may have begun as the individual choice of lots of Mexicans looking for work and other opportunities. It has turned into a war against the United States, led by the Mexican government, and supported by all key elements of Mexican society.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 12, 2006 10:50 PM | Send

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