Immigrant libertarian calls for end of all Muslim immigration

Abiola Lapite, A Nigerian native apparently living in Britain, is described by a correspondent as a politically correct libertarian blogger. Lapite has responded to the Muhammad cartoon jihad by becoming a VFRite. Here is the key excerpt from his blog entry:

The Jyllands-Posten articles are supposedly offensive because of their equation of Islam with violent extremism, but given what Muslims across the world have done and said to date in response to it, what room is there to doubt that this equation is anything but the unvarnished truth? I hope Muslims can be proud of what their exceedingly precious sensibilities have managed to achieve, as they’ve managed to drive me into company I never thought I’d find myself amongst: I am now convinced that not only is Islam fundamentally incompatible with Western-style liberal democracy, but so is the very presence of Muslims themselves in large numbers, and everything within reason must be done to bring all further Muslim immigration to the West to a complete halt. To do otherwise would, I believe, only serve to store up trouble for the future, by allowing the growth of a fanatical fifth-column which will not hesitate to subvert the very order which made its new home so attractive in the first place, just as soon as it has the critical numbers. In fact, if it were even possible to somehow repatriate a substantial number of the Muslims who find themselves within Europe’s borders, I’m afraid to say that I’m not at all sure that I’d really be against it, as revoltingly Powellite as such an idea is on the face of it—that’s just how grave a peril a continued substantial Muslim presence in Europe has come to seem. Well done to all the eternally-angry Muslims of the world for making me think like Jean Marie Le Pen!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 09, 2006 09:03 AM | Send

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