Is there anything people won’t believe?

A reader tells me of an Alan Sokol-like prank he has been pulling off that has been fooling some conservatives as well as liberals:

I am the author of Professor Kurgman’s Beautiful Mind, a satirical blog “written” by a fictitious professor who epitomizes fashionable liberal politics in a most loathsome manner. However, as I gradually make this character less coherent, even dumber, and blatantly transparent, my email reveals that almost no one realizes that this is a parody.

So, I sit here, invent idiocies make no sense—and people accept the blog as genuine, with some liberals actually taking a liking to this “Kurgman” guy (and some conservatives getting angry at him)!

Is there nothing that is beyond the pale any more?

My only consolation is that maybe most people are too lazy to read what he actually says, and they just feel that what he is probably saying is not out of line with current fashion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 15, 2006 08:09 PM | Send

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