Letters from readers

Here is a miscellany of readers’ e-mails responding to “The Second Mexican War”:

VFR’s formerly leftist correspondent in England writes:

Hadn’t seen your excellent FrontPage Mexico article when I sent you a brief e-mail of despair about the Hispanic and Eastern European immigrant situations compared to the Muslim immigrant situation. anyway this brief article proves what I’ve said (which is not original I admit). The situation has got to get a lot worse to get the Mainstream to act. and we must spread the word when it does in the most effective way. Here a Liberal, Maxine Waters has declared she is fed up with Mexican criminal immigrants (as if criminal immigrant Mexicans are the only problem). Now if only George Bush and his crew get fed up with Mexican immigrrants too.

John writes:

Thumbs up to Mr. Lawrence Auster! I couldn’t have said it better!

I’m Hispanic, I came from South America to the U.S. as a legal immigrant, I’m a naturalized U.S. citizen and I consider Mexico the enemy of the United States of America.

Mr. Auster states, “You cannot give me a similar example of such a large migratory wave by an ant-like multitude, stubborn, unarmed, and carried on in the face of the most powerful and best-armed nation on earth…. [The migrant invasion] seems to be slowly returning [the southwestern United States] to the jurisdiction of Mexico without the firing of a single shot, nor requiring the least diplomatic action, by means of a steady, spontaneous, and uninterrupted occupation.”

This could not have taken place without a corrupt White House and a corrupt U.S. Congress. This corruption trickles all the way down to local governments.

For the past 40 years, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has been dictating domestic as well as foreign policy by buying the loyalty of our elected officials.

The U.S. merchants are moving this country toward corporate Globalism, which translated means world domination and power by merchants throughout the world.

It is imperative to the Globalists to eliminate the U.S. working middle class. Enter the importation of Mexican poor people to replace American workers.

U.S. Globalists are aware of Mexican designs on the U.S. and they welcome them. It suits the U.S. powerful merchants just fine to have an endless source or poor people who can be exploited at U.S. taxpayers’ expense. Globalists don’t give a hoot about a nation’s sovereignty, culture nor borders. Thus, the U.S. Globalists on the Right and the Left are in cahoots with the Mexican Reconquistas. Simply put, our government is selling us out to Mexico for cheap labor and world domination. Our corrupt leaders think that with the power of money, they will be able to control Mexico’s power in this country. The fools think that the Mexicans will accept them as partners in crime. I think otherwise. Washington is bringing millions of Trojan Horses into this country and we will pay dearly for it.

A writer and scholar writes:

Dear Larry,

Congratulations on a SUPERB piece! I will be drawing on it (with full citation to its author) in speeches and in my own writing.

You’ve produced one of the best and most important pieces on this subject in print.

I hope you’re experiencing the pleasure and kudos that come from a job so very well done.

A reader writes:

I have just read your article entitled “The Second Mexican War.” Bravo, Bravo. The American public and government have become lazy of reasoning and thought. We tend to take the road of least resistance until we run out of maneuverable highway and into a road block.

Back in the early 30’s, there was a funny looking man who developed a vicious plan for the conquest of Europe and the destruction of the Jewish people. He set out his goals and ideas in a book called “Mein Kampf.”

If only more Germans and other peoples had read it, he might not have succeeded to the point which he did.

Regarding the problem of terrorism and Islam, we again have the book. It is called the Quran. But again the lazy American public finds it easier to listen to Islamic groups and proponents as to what Mohammed said and what Islam stands for. Thanks to an offer of a free copy of the Qur`an from C.A.I.R., I have taken the time to actually read the book. I found it to be one of the most anti Jewish, anti Christian, anti democratic, and anti tolerant books.

Wake up America, there is plenty of time, when time will be forever, but by then it will be too late !

David writes:

You have written that many liberals (European, I presume) desire submission to Muslim dominance. It looks like liberals in this country accept dominance by Mexicans (and nonwhites in general) in the future. With GWB, it may be that he thinks the Bush family can adapt to the new circumstances.

It looks like there won’t be a change until Americans are being ruled and oppressed by Mexico. As a reader says, there may not be a reaction until white Americans are being slaughtered.

Janet writes:

You forgot that the Mexican government IS attacking us with weapons—weapons of mass destruction, to be exact. These weapons consist of the following: Heroin, cocaine, crack and, now, meth (not to mention Hepatitis A, B & C, multi-drug resistant TB, leprosy, et cetera).. By using these weapons, Mexico extracts in the neighborhood of $140 BILLION yearly, with the money trickling up to the Mexican elite and their bought-and-paid-for politicians, police, military and judiciary.

The border area is divided into franchises controlled by the narco-traffickers who receive their franchises from the Mexican government for a fee paid weekly or monthly. This fee is based on the amount of drugs the franchise-holder traffics into the U.S. Failure to pay the fees or shoddy business practices (like developing a high profile) could result in the loss of the franchise, as is happening in Nuevo Laredo—no one holds La Plaza, no one trafficker controls the franchise and groups are being allowed to fight it out until one trafficker comes out on top. He will then be required to pay the monthly fees to the Mexican government—it is the Mexican form of natural selection.

If you are going to write about Mexico, you need to read the 1990 (re-published in 1998) book, “Drug Lord: The life and death of a Mexican kingpin; a true story” by Terrence Poppa. It explains the whole enchilada.

This comment is from the American Renaissance discussion board on my article:

This is a succinct, well-researched, impassioned but not fiery, and clearly written account of what’s going on in Mexico.

It goes far beyond (geographically and historically) those borders.

Now, VDARE can start to make strategic suggestions of how to tackle this problem, rather than reporting on daily atrocities.

Enough of self-referential and over-passionate language.

Time for strategy.

As Auster has brilliantly pointed out, which no-one to date has articulated: This is War.

Since I am getting credit for putting forth a new idea, I should point out that the original idea for this article came from the writer Robert Locke, who suggested to me some ago that I write an article along the lines that Mexico has a deliberate, stated agenda of invading the U.S. with a revanchist political objective, and that, as he put it in an e-mail, “their government is encouraging, aiding and abetting this invasion for state reasons. Show that this is a project of the Mexican state. It must be a state project, for this to be war.”

The idea made sense to me and I began researching it, and in doing so, began to realize that this war against the U.S. is not only a project of the Mexican state, but of the entire Mexican society. For me, this was a new paradigm for understanding Mexican immigration into the U.S.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 18, 2006 02:25 PM | Send

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