The civil war that may be coming

A reader offers a plausible scenario of what may lie ahead:

This has been simmering in my brain for quite a while now, so bear with me. You say, quite correctly, that if we do defeat liberalism it will only be after many years of suffering and after thousands of people die. This became obvious to me on 9/11 (the day I became a traditionalist) at seeing the varied reactions to the attacks, especially of those people whose first thoughts were with the “innocent” Arabs and Moslems in America who might suffer a backlash in the coming weeks. It seemed the victims in the towers were almost instantly forgotten, the same way a death row inmate’s victims are instantly forgotten. Indeed, there will be many more razzias, gang rapes, and rioting before Western people as one put down their collective foot to stamp out the vermin, if this happens at all.

This brings me to my next point. You’ve also said that a great many of these same liberals who must be shown the horrors of dhimmitude over and over again to be shaken out of their stupor are the ones who wish to be dominated by Islam. Only then can they be rid of their liberal shame for being components of an oppressive, white, Eurocentric society. So, this is what I see happening in the future (barring the chance of a swift and total Moslem victory): the Moslem advances on us until we reach the “breaking point,” conservatives band together along with those former liberals not totally brainwashed. This leaves a conservative front versus the Moslems and their new allies. Us vs. Them, just as history, with countless examples, has shown us is the nature of Man, and which will never change. Now, since maybe a few conservatives (or many) will hold offices of authority at this time, and doubtlessly so too will the Moslems and dhimmis, what we have is civil war.

Personally, I’ve always thought that the divide between right and left would bring us to civil war in this country. Of course we will have certain advantages, such as the fact that conservatives value personal firearm ownership while liberals shun it. The liberals depend entirely upon the police forces and military for armed protection, and both of these are bastions of conservatism and most will likely not wage war against their own people, even for a blessed pension (though some will). There would likely be massive desertions and mutinies. Couple this with the fact that much of the virtue of liberalism springs from the absence of death, no matter the cost otherwise. They would quiver at the thought of drawing blood, no matter whose it is. (This is exactly why they crow about not putting inmates to death, while not caring a fig about those other inmates who are daily gang-raped, sodomized, and forced into manhood-shattering “marriages” by these same overfed and aggressive killers.)

What is left then? If we lose, Sharia will reign, and that will be it. Western civilization ends. If we win, we’ll either take the country back entirely and expel all Moslems, or carve out our own country. This part, I believe, is where it will get difficult. Can we produce a new Constitution based entirely on traditionalist values without endangering rights? Can we, in fact, ban liberalism? (I believe you said something once about banning the culture of filth that we see all around us.) Can the state enforce traditionalism? What is to keep us, after a few generations, from going back exactly to where we started, and having our grandchildren think that those Moslems aren’t so bad after all? Do you think a civil war is even plausible, or that if we do defeat liberalism, it will be entirely with the pen?

Perhaps much of this is me getting ahead of myself. I admit it freely. But you are the only person I feel I can trust with this scenario, that inhabits my thoughts much of the time. I trust you won’t have me thrown into the Lubyanka.

The reader is getting ahead of me, too. My thoughts on these subjects have been limited to: (1) renouncing liberalism (which, as I always add, does not mean rejecting all aspects of liberalism, but rejecting modern liberalism in toto, and subordinating the liberalism that remains to non-liberal factors; (2) rediscovering and re-asserting the traditional American and Western majoritarian identity; and (3) resisting Islam, as well as other alien cultures in our country (which the horrific facts of Islam sometimes make us forget, as though anything not as bad as Islam were ok). My thoughts have been focused on reversing the current course of things, by finding a different ground from the one we currently stand on, and from that ground starting to push back against both liberalism and the aliens. If we could do that much, even without knowing where it’s all going to end, or if victory is assured, then at least we would be alive again, and would have a fighting chance at victory and survival. As we are now we are dead, and have no chance of victory and survival.

So that’s as far as my thoughts have gone. I have not visualized in any detail the new America that would take shape after a successful restoration of our culture.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 22, 2006 09:05 PM | Send

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