Bostom addresses students on jihad

Andrew Bostom, editor of The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims, spoke at James Madison University in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia last night. The reporter who wrote up Bostom’s speech for the local paper did something that almost never happens in the modern world: he provided an accurate account of what Bostom said, in all its politically incorrect glory. For the kinds of truths that Bostom is speaking to be reported straight in a mainstream paper, without liberal spin, is an event so rare that it’s like something from another reality. It’s a glimpse of the way the world OUGHT to be.

Here is the article, in pdf format.

A reader writes:

Wonderful. This is what journalism is supposed to do, report the facts without a PC filter. Part of me wonders if the reporter is a little naive and is right now being dressed down by his editor! But just think if all journalism was like this, just the simple telling of truth, how different things would be.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 23, 2006 07:30 PM | Send

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