Coincidence? Synchronicity?

In the previous blog entry, a reader mentions one of the speakers at the AR conference, Guillaume Fay, who was dumbfounded when his sad prediction that Israel will not survive to age 100 was met by loud and prolonged applause from about half the people in the audience. The name Guillaume Fay struck a chord. I reached into my coat pocket and retrieved the program of a concert of 15th century polyphonic choral music I had attended earlier this evening at the Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Manhattan. As the program confirmed, one of the composers whose works were performed was Guillaume du Fay, who died in 1474. What are the chances of encountering two different people named Guillaume Fay (separated by half a millennium from each other) within a four hour period?

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 27, 2006 12:27 AM | Send

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