San Francisco Democrats telling us what they really feel

I’m thinking of a leftist lady I once knew, who never had a good word to say about the U.S. armed forces. Whatever its share of the federal budget, even when it had shrunk greatly from the huge percentage it had consumed in the 1950s to the relatively small percentage of the 1990s, the amount of military spending was always too much, always an occasion for outrage. I sometimes wondered, was there any level of military spending that would not seem “too much” to her and to her fellow progressives?

I just got my answer. Gerardo Sandoval, the Supervisor of San Francisco (an office held by Dianne Feinstein 30 years ago when the assassination of Mayor Moscone propelled her into the Mayor’s office and started her political ascent) told Hannity and Colmes that the U.S. should have no military at all. And the dude was serious. Hannity and Colmes gave him numerous opportunities to retract his comment, but he kept re-affirming it.

As an amused letter writer to a paper in Lawrence, Kansas puts it:

San Francisco Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval’s recent statement that “the United States should not have a military” is the best of the left yet.

He has the courage to say what anti-war liberals in this country truly feel. It will help diminish what little remaining power the Democratic Party has. For him to say this is certainly shocking to sane Americans. Liberals may ponder this, though.

If this does seem absurd, Sandoval’s final comment was, “That’s the way a lot of people feel in San Francisco.” He also said America will eventually discard its military.

San Francisco, an oasis for hard-core liberals, is finally sending their message loud and clear with no ambiguity.

There is a lot more on this at google.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 02, 2006 12:37 AM | Send

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