On immigration, the toughest guys in the U.S. mainstream are still liberals

Jeff writes from England:

After rightfully supporting the tough solution of a long fence/wall on the Mexican border, Robert Samuelson then says we should legalise the 10-12 million illegal immigrants already in the U.S. It’s like telling thieves that from now on their thievery will not be tolerated but they can keep what they stole. This lack of willpower to confront illegal immigration (let alone legal immigration), which Samuelson reflects, is prevalent even in people who think they are being tough with immigrants. I say: let’s build the wall and not give an amnesty.
Truly the Samuelson column (about which Paul Nachman wrote to Samuelson a few days ago) is remarkable. I’ve never seen such a mixture of hardline thinking and liberal delusion.

Also, Samuelson writes:

As for assimilation, it’s true that millions of Hispanic families are moving into—and reshaping—the American mainstream.

Someone needs to point out to Samuelson that if Hispanics are “reshaping” the American mainstream, then they’re not “assimilating” into it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 11, 2006 12:17 PM | Send

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