From liberalism to zero-tolerance

A reader asked, concerning my discussion of my experiences with my hosting service, “Anyway, if you can explain sometime how you see zero-tolerance as a consequence of liberalism, it would be interesting.”

Modern liberal society says that the shared moral norms and mutual restraints that previously formed society are out, and that anything goes. As a result there is chaos. Society must find a way to stem this chaos. But moral norms are out. So “zero-tolerance” is instituted.

With traditional morality, there is rational consideration as as to how moral standards are applied in particular circumstances, and thus there is flexibility and leeway. With zero-tolerance, all such rational considerations are out. The rule becomes mechanistic, non-rational, non-yielding, non-human.

Thus modern, liberationist liberalism leads to tyranny.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 20, 2006 01:28 PM | Send

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