Featured blog entries

A melancholy fact of blogs is that blogs roll, and articles that enjoyed a perch at the top of the main page are soon consigned to relative obscurity, no matter how good they may be, as they are replaced by ever newer entries. What was it Shakespeare said about about “ravaging time”? And the Rolling Stones: “Who needs yesterday’s paper?” In any case, several entries posted during the last few days, especially concerning the amazing events on the immigration front, are very timely and I don’t want them to slip away yet, so I will keep their links listed here near the top of the main page at least over the weekend:

The high tide of the Open Borders campaign
Why traditionalism is important
Closure on Rahman; closure on democratization
“Nation of immigrants”—NOT!
Why (are conservative elites leading America to commit suicide)?
Do whites have a compulsion to surrender to nonwhites?
Amnesty miscellany, and especially this comment about what drives Bush
From classical liberalism to the anti-national mega-state
Classical liberalism and modern liberalism, cont.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 03, 2006 11:59 PM | Send

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