The Path to National Suicide is now available online
My 1990 booklet on immigration and multiculturalism, The Path to National Suicide, published by the American Immigration Control Foundation, remained continuously in print until about three years ago. It is still available through Amazon, but the price can range between very and astronomically high (the original price for one copy was three dollars; incredibly, I have heard of people paying as much as thirty dollars). To keep PNS accessible, Joel and Joyce LeFevre of Old Line Press have created from scratch a new edition in pdf format that is virtually identical in appearance and layout to the original, with the addition of an index. It is now posted online for free at the LA unofficial web page. The LeFevre’s will also be making available a soft cover copy for sale. Many, many thanks to Joel and Joyce for accomplishing this huge task, which turned out to be much harder and involved many more hours than any of us expected at the start. Many of the difficulties stemmed from the decision to keep the page by page flow of the text identical to what it had been in the original edition. Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 03, 2006 01:08 AM | Send Email entry |