El Slowbo finally catches up

As James Pinkerton wrote the other day, something of a revolution on illegal immigration (and by extension on the immigration issue as a whole) is taking place among the liberal and conservative elites. David B., a close (and previously thoroughly disillusioned) observer of Rush Limbaugh over the years, writes:

Rush made his strongest statement ever yesterday. The monologue is still up first on his site as of now. Rush admits that the Hispanic influx dooms the GOP to minority status and for the first time acknowledges that the Mexicans intend to push us out of our own country. Rush says that “Bush, frankly, doesn’t disagree with any of this.”

As always, Limbaugh’s tone is that he is leading the way. You would never know listening to Rush that others (you, for instance) have been writing about this for some 20 years. Again today, he was still saying the above. The significance is that Rush, after over 15 years of near silence, is finally speaking on the subject.

This is heartening news, but I will never forgive Limbaugh for those 15 years of silence (and about 10 of those years were absolute silence) on the most important issue facing our country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 11, 2006 01:42 PM | Send

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