Italian Catholic magazine blasts Islam

A prestigious Italian journal of Catholic culture, Studium, has published a long article, “The Islamic Question,” that is very critical of Islam, and is even, suggests Sandro Magister of www.chiesa, similar in its views to those of the scourge of Islam herself, Orianna Fallaci. Moreover, the article’s principal author is a Jesuit connected with La Civiltà Cattolica, a magazine printed by the authorization of the Vatican. Though Studium is not itself an official Vatican publication, Magister suggests that the article has what amounts to an unofficial Vatican imprimatur.

Yes, but we’ve heard this before. Remember the “leak” of the pope’s private talk about Islam by that American priest to Hugh Hewitt a few months ago, and how little that finally came to? I like this pope, but when it comes to his hoped-for role as the Christian West’s champion against the Musulmans, I’m from Missouri.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 11, 2006 08:26 PM | Send

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