How do we deport 12 million people from America?

We already are deporting them, answers from the Federalist Journal, via John Derbyshire at The Corner. Here are the key excerpts:

In 2004:

There were 202,842 foreign nationals formally removed from the United States. The leading countries of origin of formal removals were Mexico (73 percent), Guatemala (4.1 percent) and Honduras (4.0 percent). More than 1,035,000 other foreign nationals accepted an offer of voluntary departure.

DHS removed 88,897 criminal aliens from the United States. The majority of criminal aliens (68,771 or 77 percent) were from Mexico.

At that rate, 12 million people would be removed in a decade, with no additional effort or new legislation. If at the same time the inflow were mostly curtailed, then the issue is resolved.

Note that we are not advocating here that every illegal alien be deported. We’re only answering the “how can we?” question. Whether all 12 million should be deported is a separate question.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 12, 2006 01:54 AM | Send

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