Defending nationhood

Radio hosts Keith Weinman and Gail Fallen on KCOL in Northern Colorado were the anti-Colmeses. They let me speak! At one point Keith asked me, isn’t it hopeless? I said: We’re like a man deeply immersed in some error or sin that is destroying his life. First we have to recognize the error of our liberal beliefs, and then turn around—in religious terms, we need to repent. When we give up the liberal assumptions that have defined our nation out of existence, then we will be able to defend our nation again. So it’s not hopeless. In fact, realizing that we have this problem, realizing that we have subscribed to a suicidal belief system, is the most hopeful thing, because it means that we can change.

Matthew in England sent this to me half-way through the show:

I am listening now… Wow… I am glad they are extending it and await the second part! If this was discussed (as it really needs to be) in here in Britain, you would be cut off quicker than you could pour a half pint of lager. Go Lawrence! Wish you could speak on the radio here, but they would probably arrest you after the interview. Glad to finally hear your voice, may it continue to be heard loud and clear!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 18, 2006 11:54 AM | Send

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