The Dar al-Whiteness

To get a sense of the true character of the anti-Semites, of their almost transcendent baseness and stupidity, I recommend that readers check out the discussion thread at the American Renaissance website following Jared Taylor’s “see-no-evil” article on anti-Semites which I have already discussed. Here’s a comment that, as the commenter himself correctly points out, sums it all up:

Let us draw a logical line, and sum up all the above posts.

And the answer is…

Anybody or anything that is pro-white is good.

Anybody or anything that is anti-white is bad.

Simple logic, don’t you agree?

This is the message Jared Taylor expressed. And he is absolutely correct!!!

Posted by dull/normal at 9:16 AM on April 18

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 18, 2006 05:13 PM | Send

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