Without God, no consent of the governed
It has been frequently said here that once transcendence and tradition are gone, all that matters is the individual and his will, and since there is no longer any truth or standard outside the individual will, all individual wills are of equal value. Further, as Mark D. said the other day, since equality among the wills is the only standard, the only rule for adjudicating a conflict between wills is that the majority of wills must be prevented from imposing its will on the minority, since such imposition would mean that some wills are superior to others. We have a classic example of this advanced liberal thinking in an amazing decision from the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in California. John Leo writes:
[T]he court ruled that a California student, Tyler Chase Harper, had no First Amendment right to go to school wearing a T-shirt condemning homosexuality.The clear implication is that a racial minority student could wear a t-shirt saying, “Whites are racists,” since only the majority is being attacked and no one, presumably, could be threatened by this. But a white student could not wear a t-shirt saying, “Blacks are racists,” because that would be striking at a “core identifying characteristic of students on the basis of their membership is a minority group.” But attacking a core identifying characteristic of majority students is fine. All this is completely consistent with modern liberalism, the logic of which leads it first to diminish majority power, in preparation for destroying it altogether.
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