They’re baaack

They—the open-borders true believers, the Undead, the specters of national suicide—have come out like a horde of hungry ghosts urging that the appalling amnesty bills that the Senate thankfully left in limbo a couple of weeks ago be brought out and revived. These perturbed creatures cannot rest until America is irretrievably ruined. And we cannot rest so long as they are on the scene. The price of national survival is eternal vigilance.

- end of initial entry -

Van Wijk writes:

And notice who’s the tip of the spear for the amnesty crowd. I figured I’d share a few Bushisms from this article that I love:

“Massive deportation of the people here is not going to work,” Mr. Bush said as a Congress divided over immigration returned from a two-week recess. “It’s just not going to work.”

The earth trembles from the weight of that fiery logic.

“I know this is an emotional debate. But one thing we can’t lose site of is that we are talking about human beings, decent human beings.”

Ironically, it seems to be the amnesty crowd (and leftists in general) who are the most emotional. In fact, their entire argument is one enormous argumentum ad misericordiam.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 24, 2006 12:33 PM | Send

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