Bush, revealing his disdain for America, has lost the L-dotters

Remember Lucianne.com, Id of the GOP, epicenter of Bush adoration? Well, President Bush has really done it now. He has carried his true-believer advocacy of Hispanic illegal aliens so far that he has alienated his greatest fans, the L-dotters, I mean he has (excuse me) really p’d them off. Indeed it may be said that never in the course of American politics has a president made so many people who had loved him so much dislike him so much. And it’s not over any light and transient cause. It’s over the fact that this man, to whom they had given their hearts because they had associated him with patriotism and defense of country, has shoved in their faces his contempt of country. (The anti-Bush comments are so striking that I have saved the web page for display here, since Lucianne pages only stay online for a couple of days.) Here is the quintessential expression of a Bush lover turned Bush opponent:

Reply 33—Posted by: applepie, 4/24/2006 3:03:44 PM

When I saw George Bush after 9-11, with his arm around that fireman, I cried. And, again, when he got off the jet in full flight garb, I cried. My love and pride for that man was almost like a bride feels for her husband, but in a patriotic way. I loved our country and our President with a passion.

Today, I turn off the tv, when he comes on the screen. In my gut, I feel betrayed. I feel like I have experienced the death of a loved one, and I am going through the grieving process.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 25, 2006 12:13 AM | Send

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