The president who is beyond satire
From the transcript of Lou Dobbs Tonight, April 24:
DOBBS: Here, let me give you a great one. Because you and the president are lined up on this. The president today said, and if we’ve got the quote, I’d like you to put it up so the viewers can read it. The president today said he wants a temporary worker program that says to a person, quote, “here is the tamper-proof card that says you can come and do a job an American won’t do.” Hank?
Believe that? Our president not only wants to admit all the people in the world who will underbid an American for a job, he wants to send an official message to each “legal illegal” that he’s doing a job that Americans are too lazy and morally worthless to do!
What a way to create affection and appreciation and respect for America in the hearts of new immigrants!
I’m telling you, folks, when I saw Bush give that speech in Miami in August 2000 it was clear even then. He dislikes America and loves Hispanics. Why this is so, we don’t know. But that it is so, is as plain as day.
Also, as someone who does not watch tv, I really get a kick out of Dobbs’s zingers. Here’s the opening of the show:
LOU DOBBS, CNN ANCHOR: Tonight, President Bush is trying to save his so-called immigration proposals. Has the president lost his battle to give millions of illegal aliens amnesty without first securing our borders?
We’ll be live in Washington with the latest for you.
Hundreds of protesters are demanding that President Bush first secure our borders. Even the president’s loyalists are turning against him.
And then:
DOBBS: Good evening, everybody.
President Bush today made a determined effort to save his so- called immigration reform proposals from possible defeat in Congress. President Bush said calling for the deportation of millions of illegal aliens already in this country is simply unrealistic. And the president repeatedly asserted that illegal aliens should be allowed to work in the United States because, as he has repeatedly said, and said again, they take jobs Americans won’t do.
Now here’s a more extended excerpt about an amnesty rally. See Dobbs’s delightful editorializing comment at the end. It’s great when the editorializing comments are coming from our side for once—
and they’re true.
Suzanne Malveaux.
Hundreds of people protested outside the hotel where President Bush was making his comments today. Border security advocates far outnumbered the supporters of amnesty for illegal aliens.
Casey Wian has our report from Irvine, California.
CASEY WIAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): Hundreds of protesters demanded that President Bush secure the nation’s borders and refuse to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The message I would like to send to President Bush is this: no guest-worker program until the border is secure.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Middle class Americans are out here standing in the street, you know, protesting the transgressions that’s being perpetrated by our government in the name of corporate America and corporate greed. They are selling out the American people.
WIAN: A smaller, but vocal, group of open borders advocates also showed up.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You need to love these people! They came! They have nowhere to go!
WIAN: In recent months, pro-amnesty groups have tried to portray those who favor strong border security as racist. Hogwash, says Minuteman Project volunteer Marvin Stewart.
MARVIN STEWART, MINUTEMAN PROJECT: There a passionate men who have a love for their nation. There are passionate people that love this nation. There are passionate black men like myself who have a love for this nation. There are passionate Hispanic—I’ve served with Asians on the borders, Los Compos (ph), Sierra Vista, Pacumba (ph), various other places who have a passion for this nation.
To say we are racist, well, guess what? Get a life.
WIAN: Some protesters say a change is coming. They say there is nothing they can do now about the man in the White House, but Congress, beware. RON WELLER, PROTESTER: They are trying to bamboozle the American public, and they think we’re stupid. And wait until November. They are going to see a backlash in this country, there is going to be heads rolling. There are going to be senators and congressman that will be flipping hamburgers instead of being up there in Washington.
WIAN: It’s hard the believe Orange County, California, used to be Bush country.
WIAN: It’s unlikely the president actually saw many of the protesters who were here today. It’s also hard to believe, though, he hasn’t heard their message—Lou.
DOBBS: It’s unfortunate that the president or any other elected official wouldn’t hear and see those demonstrators, hear what they have to say. But it’s very clear that this president, Casey Wian, is hearing a lot of things from his strategist and his pollsters that probably resonate just as strongly.
All of which makes me wonder: is Lou Dobbs the Howard Beale of our time?

What’s the point of politeness when we are suffocating in lies?
Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 25, 2006 11:36 PM | Send