Can it be solved without violence?

Scott H. writes:

I found your site through Michelle Malkin, I’m sure glad I did. I’ve found a home it seems.

I don’t see how this illegal alien problem can end without violence of some kind. They will not give up their de facto entitlements and just walk home. They have the full backing of the intelligentsia, the press, the state governments (at least in CA), and most of the federal government. The—mostly white—Americans I’ve talked to about illegals are fed up and angry. They feel impotent in their ability to halt the invasion. They don’t trust their government to fix this problem, they don’t feel giving away the country to illegals is fixing anything. They’re tired of being called racist for disagreeing. This next week we’ll see Mexicans parading around San Diego with their ‘Brown Pride” t-shirts, chicken and worm flags, chanting in spanish. If the feds do something and start enforcing the laws(a big IF) the Mexicans will riot. That is their culture, that’s what they do in So. America. How would the government react then? I see this ending in tears. I, for one, will go out fighting. Fighting for the country I grew up in, not the one it’s become.

LA replies:

It could possibly be resolved without major violence. Steady and consistent enforcement of the law (not mass roundups of thousands of people), combined with strict border protection, over ten years, would drastically reduce the illegal population. Remember that one million illegals left either forcibly or under voluntary agreement in 2004, without any riots. Maintain the same for ten years, and they’re essentially gone

However, the fact that these illegals are not simply petitioning, in a humble way, to be legalized, but are declaring their organized hostility to America (with statements like “This is our continent,” and “We are America”), even as they are demanding rights in America, shows them to be an invading enemy bent on conquest. Therefore I have no objection in principle to the use of force against them. That is not the most desirable path, obviously. But we should not preemptively reject it either.

Of course, I’m speaking as though we had a government that was prepared to do its job of defending the U.S., instead of the liberal treasonous government we actually have. Given the nature of our current government, the use of force that may be initially called for would not be that of the U.S. authorities against the illegals (since that won’t be forthcoming), but violent protests by Americans against the government which is refusing to defend the country from invasion.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 27, 2006 08:22 PM | Send

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