You will flee, though none pursues

Anthony D. writes:

The thing that bothers me the most is that we are not even fighting against the forces that seek to destroy us. Every nation thus threatened before us fought in deadly combat to repel the foe. The Romans against the Visigoths, the Russians against Napoleon, the Germans almost to the last man in Berlin against the Russians. Yet we are welcoming our invaders, encouraging and appeasing them.

It is seems that one possible outcome is a collapse, a pathetic end of a nation fully capable of taking charge of its destiny, yet paradoxically prostrate before the forces of those invading masses wallowing in self-pity and playing to the emotions of a confused people.

What has seized the collective mind of so great a nation to permit rot such as never before been seen in a people, that they would willingly surrender themselves without so much as a hint of real resistance?

That’s the question that has tormented and pre-occupied me for the last 24 years, though I feel I have arrived at some answers. One of them is touched on in the following e-mail, which, though it doesn’t specifically mention Anthony’s e-mail, is addressing the question he raised.

James N. writes:

I have been meaning to write to you about this for some time, but, as with most of my good ideas, somebody else does it first and better, in this case Shelby Steele in today’s WSJ:

I think that the confident white America that I grew up in was undone by the events of 1956-1965, which merely represented the culmination of our inability to maintain a two-nation state.

Both the segregationists and the integrationists were wrong about what would happen if we allowed the African-Americans (actually, in this case, quite a correct descriptor) their constitutional and citizenship rights.

Once they were no longer able to be kept invisible, the sharp and shocking differences between them, the way they lived, and their customs and traditions as a people; and us, the way we lived, and our customs and traditions as a people, became a scandal.

A scandal which it remains impossible to discuss honestly, or even rationally.

So, we gave them money (a very American approach to a problem). Lots and lots of money.

We also decided, in 1965, to expand from two nations to many nations, in part I believe to dilute the influence of that one particular other nation which was brought from Africa in chains and extensively re-engineered on these shores. [LA note: I disagree. The 1965 Act was seen as the fulfillmment of the civil rights idea of non-discrimination, extending it beyond America to all humanity. In 1965 American politics was worshipping at the feet of blacks. The opening of immigraton may have had the long-term effect of diluting black power, but I’ve seen no evidence that that was its intention. And has blacks power been diluted in any case?]

We also started moving from places where lots of African-Americans lived to places where they didn’t. The relocation of white America since 1965 is one of the largest mass migrations in history.

As long as we cannot “solve the problem” of how to live side by side with an African people while at the same time not making them feel inferior to us, we are powerless before all the other third-world invaders. When you get right down to it, he basis for stopping their arrival, and for accelerating their removal, is that we (not as individuals, but collectively) are better than they are and we want that cultural superiority to be preserved for our children.

Such a self-realization, however, will put the Africans among us in a position similar to the one they were in prior to 1956, and neither we nor they are any more willing to live that way now than we were the day the late Mrs. Parks wouldn’t give up her seat on that stupid bus.

I have often said, for example in my articles “My views on race and intelligence,” and “Guilty Whites,” that a major reason for America’s self-undoing is the false guilt whites feel over black’s lower level of civilizational abilities. As long as whites attribute blacks’ backwardness to something the whites are doing, instead of to the blacks themselves, whites’ resulting conviction of their own supposed racism morally paralyzes them as a people, not only with regard to blacks, but with regard to all non-white peoples. Seeing the truth of inherent racial differences could therefore literally save America.

But this leads to a further question: Why are whites unable or unwilling to acknowledge the evident truth of inherent racial differences? I addressed that in my article, “Why Western people accept the lies leading to their obliteration.” That article brings together my spiritual explanation for the West’s self-undoing (namely the loss of belief in God and of the experience of the transcendent, which lead to the liberal belief in the equality of all people and all desires), with my racial explanation of the West’s self-undoing (namely false white guilt for racial inequalities that are not whites’ fault).

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 02, 2006 12:53 AM | Send

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