Not taking it any more

A long time GOP supporter received from Republican National Chairman Ken Mehlman an offer of a personal website to help raise money for the party, in exchange for a free ipod, and he wrote back:

Dear Ken,

Gee, that republican edition ipod is sure neat, but no thanks.

Can we just create an orderly system for entering the country that does not include a ‘pathway to citizenship’ for people who are here illegally, allow people to trek across the desert at risk to their lives, give drug dealers and terrorists the chance to smuggle their wares into the country, create a bumper crop of future democrat voters, allow gangs of thugs and units of the Mexican army to enter our territory at will, claim to not give amnesty when it does exactly that, or encourage future border jumpers to keep coming in the expectation that they too will be rewarded with jobs, social benefits and official status if they just hang out long enough?

How about streamlining the process for skilled people who currently need to hire lawyers to gain employment here while law-breakers brazenly desecrate our flag in the middle of our cities?

How about telling Vicente Fox to clean up his own house instead of using us to absorb his unemployed millions?

The scary thing is that, considering the alternative, you guys are the only game in town.


Matthew H.
Republican voter and contributor since 1984

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 02, 2006 02:20 AM | Send

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