The dangerous delusion of opposing only illegal immigration

Michelle Malkin provides quotes from many of the illegal alien spokesmen who openly deny the legitimacy of the United States. But of course it is not only illegal aliens who are saying these things, it is Mexican and Hispanic spokesmen across the board. Yes, illegal immigration is the worst part of what is happening, but it is only a part of it. The totality of it is the steady growth of Hispanic numbers and power in America, and the bulk of those numbers come from legal immigration. Nothing better illustrates the inadequacy of today’s “conservatives” than their refusal to confront these threatening realities, even as they imagine themselves to be fighting at the barricades.

- Comments -

Charles G. writes:

Exactly. I have read op-ed after op-ed that expresses vehement opposition to illegal immigration, then adds the caveat that the author fully supports legal immigration and wishes that these illegals would stop being so impertinent and get in line with “everyone else.” This brand of argument, which approaches the problem merely as an issue of law and order, is completely oblivious to the fact that it is the scale and composition of immigration flows that matter as much or more as whether the U.S. government has formally issued people a residency permit—they would apparently be fine with allowing in a million uneducated Mexicans a year, so long as it was all done legally. In fact, it becomes an almost redundant point to make when you consider that something like 70-80 percent of legal immigrants are admitted on the sole grounds that they are related to an immigrant already here, and that children of illegals are automatically granted U.S. citizenship. Meanwhile, as Congress ponders whether to increase immigration caps as a way of “solving” the problem of illegal immigration, a point that I’ve rarely seen discussed is whether extremely high levels of legal immigration may actually contribute to illegal immigration given our chain-migration based system. Even without increasing enforcement dramatically, my guess would be that a much lower cap on legal entries, an end to family reunification and an amendment to end birthright citizenship would be a big step forward in controlling the problem.

Ben writes:

The overall theme of your article is pretty much summed up to me as conservatives are going to lose even if they get their way on illegal immigration unless they drop their multicultural outlook that America is a place of immigrants, ideas, freedom, and the American Dream, etc. and not about a real culture and a real nation.

This whole idea that the only people to be against are illegals when we see the so-called legal people here of Mexican ancestry telling us we are not a sovereign nation and it belongs to them, is wrong. These people should also not have been let in. Period.

If “conservatives” don’t get out of this mind set of multiculturalism, there is no way the conservative movement can win this war even though they might win a few battles . They will ultimately be defeated by liberalism because they cannot defeat it since they are indoctrinated by it. Multiculturalism is one area “conservatives” are still struggling with. I understand it because we have all grown up being told day in and day out that if we desire a sovereign nation, a real nation with a real culture, real people and (Judeo/Christian) values that we are intolerant and racist.

A lot of the problem conservatives have is about potential “terrorists” coming through the border and how in a post 9/11 world, its crazy to have the border wide open. Or it’s about the economy, or this or that. The issue always seems to be everything but the cultural and racial issue. That’s always the one left out because liberalism dictates that it must be left out.

It doesn’t seem to bother conservatives that we have people who have come here “legally” as well who threaten our nation night and day and call us every name under the sun. The fact that they are here legally is enough for them. The only immigration that is bad to some “conservatives’ are people who are illegal and maybe “terrorist” (not middle eastern mind you, just any “terrorist”) , everything else is open season if done by the “law”.

One thing I’m reminded of was the other night I was watching CNN. It was Larry King I believe and he had this panel of the likes of Lou Dobbs, and Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. The whole time I was watching this I was like “Why do conservatives always come off like a bunch of wimps? While our enemies are free to say anything they please?”

ROHRABACHER: No, not at all. The fact is that if we normalize their status, whether you’re giving them citizenship or not, which is another disingenuous way to talk about it. If you normalize someone’s status who is here illegally, all you’re doing is putting up this huge welcome sign, that everyone in the world—and by the way, Lou’s absolutely right, we’re talking about good people—these are wonderful human beings. But we have to have our allegiance to the American people

Even though this guy is an ally of our cause, If you read the transcript you will notice that Rohrabacher mentions how Mexicans and the rest of the world are good people at least 25 times. He keeps saying it over and over in every sentence. Why? Cause he wanted them to know he was a multiculturalist and not a “racist”. Heaven forbid he might say America has a superior culture to theirs. That would totally go against the laws set up by liberalism.


Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 06, 2006 01:50 PM | Send

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