Thanks, Mr. Sailer, but VFR does not have more readers than the Times.

Steve Sailer writes:

Something else interesting about Fox’s former Former Minister: The New York Times kindly linked to my blog item about Jorge Castañeda, the author of their latest pro-amnesty op-ed (go here to the op-ed and page down to the bottom). I must say, though, that I’ve gotten more traffic from Larry Auster’s View from the Right linking to it than from the NYT’s link.

Could VFR with its approximately 5,000 daily visits have had more readers of my blog entry on Sailer than the Times had of the online version of the Castañeda op-ed? Or could it be, as the reader who told me about Sailer’s mention of me suggested, “This also perhaps highlights the striking lack of intellectual curiosity in liberals, to which you have alluded in the past”? Happily or unhappily, neither of these possibilities is supported by the evidence. I discussed, recommended, and linked Sailer’s article upfront. In the Times op-ed, the Sailer item is listed further down the page, below the bottom of the op-ed, and is much less likely to be noticed by readers.

However, what does impress me is that along with its link to Sailer the Times directly quoted this very un-PC, i.e, this racially truthful, remark of his about Latin America: “Let me see if I’ve got this straight … Anti-American, anti-white, corrupt, authoritarian leftism is sweeping the electorates of Latin American, and therefore our country should put ten or twenty million more Latin Americans on the path to voting here? …”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 05, 2006 11:54 AM | Send

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