Hirsi Ali coming to America

Robert Spencer confirms what an English correspondent told me in the previous blog entry, that Hirsi Ali is immigrating to the United States, an event Spencer celebrates. Spencer has the typically skewed neocon view of the world that doesn’t uphold our country and civilization but only opposes some ideological enemy. And therefore any supposed enemy of that ideological enemy, even if she is an enemy of our civilization as well, is Spencer’s friend and hero. It also helps if this hero is nonwhite and non-Western, since the highest object of neoconservatism is not to conserve our civilization but to affirm the liberal belief in the universal equality and inclusion of all people.

My correspondent also tells me, though this is not confirmed, that Ali will be working at the neocons’ Valhalla, the American Enterprise Institute.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 15, 2006 11:04 AM | Send

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