Tell GOP Congressmen: “Stand like a stone wall!”
The unbelievable is happening before our eyes. With this insane Senate bill that would at least triple annual legal U.S. immigration to 3 million per year, the anti-Americanism that is mainstream American liberalism has taken off the mask. If you want to call your representatives and tell them what you think, here is contact information for U.S. Senators and Congressmen, and for the White House. When you write to your Representative or speak to his staff, I urge that you take the position I laid out here last week, that there must be absolutely no compromise with S.2611, since any compromise with the attempt to triple or quintuple the annual number of immigrants only means ruin for the country. This means the House should not even go into conference committee with the Senate on this horrendous bill. By taking a firm and principled stand, by refusing to play by the usual political rules, the House Republicans would galvanize conservatives and might well restore their chances to maintain control of the House in the November elections. That in turn would assure that no bill like S.2611 could be passed in the next Congress either. Also, by keeping the House in Republican hands, we would avoid two years of endless Democratic investigations into the Bush administration, including very possibly an impeachment over the measures he has taken to protect America from terrorists (though I personally believe there is a case to impeach Bush for his refusal to guard our border from the illegal alien invasion). Ironically, then, the best thing for President Bush would be the defeat of his monstrous attempt to open our borders.
For this Congress, and perhaps for the next, the Stone Wall Strategy offers us the best hope, and perhaps the only hope! Email entry |