The giant to our south

Did you know that the sleepy land of sombreros and mariachi music south of our border is the 12th most populous country on earth? Mexico’s current estimated population is 107 million. That’s a lot of Mestizos and indios for Mexico’s Caucasian upper class to send our way, relieving themselves of their underemployed surplus population while destabilizing and gaining political and cultural over the hated Norteamericanos. According to a recent poll 40 percent of Mexicans would like to move to the U.S. That’s over 40 million people, almost twice the 23 million people of Mexican background living in the U.S. according to the 2000 census.

I wonder, though, if even an additional 40 million Mexicans would be enough to satisfy the messianic longings of Bush and McCain. I think they won’t be happy until, in the words of the song, “I like to be in America,” from West Side Story (pronounced with a Latin American accent), “Everyone there will have moved here.”

Paul K. writes:

Bush is staking his legacy on his “No Mexican Left Behind” program.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 23, 2006 02:10 PM | Send

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