Another pundit says “Just Say No”

Writing at NRO, John O’Sullivan adopts the idea (which, to my knowledge, was first published last week at VFR), that the House refuse to go into conference committee with the Senate if the Senate, as expected, passes the monstrous S.2611. Most Republicans and most Americans oppose this bill, he writes, yet

if this legislation is passed, the Republicans will share the political blame for what the media will call a bi-partisan compromise—and they will suffer at the polls for a bill drawn up by Teddy Kennedy.

But a political party is not a suicide pact. Neither House nor Senate Republicans need follow George W. Bush—a lame lemming if ever there was one—over a cliff. Senate Republicans can mount a filibuster against the bill. And if that fails, House Republicans can refuse to go to conference on it and halt the bill that way.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 25, 2006 12:41 PM | Send

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