Pope John Paul II’s liberal reconstruction of Christianity

When Pope John Paul II died on April 2, 2005, and the world went into overdrive praising the great man as a great traditionalist (or, alternatively, denouncing him as a great traditionalist), VFR dissented—passionately. Here is my first response to the news of the pope’s death. And here is an exchange with a couple who were offended at my criticisms of the pope on the day of his death. The rule of no criticism was really supposed to extend through the entire period up to the pope’s funeral, which of course was the very period in which the whole world was discussing him, while I was supposed to remain silent.

Over the next couple of weeks, I wrote much more about JPII and about his successor. Here are VFR’s weekly archives for the weeks of April 3, April 10, and April 17, 2005. The best way to read these web pages is to go to the bottom and read upward, following the sequence in which the entries were posted.

There are many substantives articles here. I would particularly recommend “John Paul II and the worship of secular man” (plus this follow-up), which gets at the Christological heart of how Vatican II and its greatest exponent, John Paul II, perverted Christianity into a form of universalist liberal democracy in which everyone is saved simply by virtue of being human.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 26, 2006 08:43 AM | Send

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