The AJC and Latinos against America, excuse me, against “hate”

Meanwhile, as reported in Newsday, those wonderful folks from the American Jewish Committee have formed an alliance with Hispanics on Long Island to fight against what they describe as anti-Latino and anti-Semitic sentiments.

“Every day when we open the paper there are articles about the anti-immigrant and anti-Latino backlash,” said Ellen Israelson of the American Jewish Committee. “This anti-Latino activity has lifted the lid on the ugly rhetoric of hate.

“From the Jewish perspective, we can easily relate to the experience of being persecuted and the experience of being an immigrant. We have lived it many, many times.”

Right. A rapidly growing population of (at present) 35 million mostly low-IQ “Hispanics,” 23 million of them Mexicans, 12 million of them illegal aliens, moving in a steady wave of demographic conquest over the U.S., an invasion promoted by the revanchist government of Mexico, a country of 100 million people, 58 percent of whom believe that Mexico has sovereign rights over much of the U.S., and 40 percent of whom would move to the U.S. right now if they could, an invasion also supported by the U.S. president and most of the U.S. establishment who openly seek to Hispanicize America, are “just like the Jews.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 01, 2006 09:45 AM | Send

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