Bush’s appeasement of Iran

In his State of the Union speech in January 2002, President Bush virtually declared war on Iran, by making it one of the three named members of the “axis of evil.” In June 2006, the same President Bush is appeasing the same Iran, asking it, pretty please, to stop developing nukes, threatening it with “isolation from the international community” if it refuses (oh, dear), and promising it economic incentives if it complies. Meaning that if Iran does comply, then the U.S., as Ben Johnson explains at FrontPage Magazine, “will become a beneficiary to “the most active state sponsor of terrorism” and an indirect financier of Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, and the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.”

Gintas writes:

There he goes again, with his devilishly shrewd moves! In being soft on Iran’s nuke ambitions he’s really transforming Iran from “Sponsor of Terror and Violent Islamic Republic” to “trusted and devoted Ally in the Global War on Terror”.

Just look at Pakistan. If not for the nukes, they too would be part of the axis of evil. Instead, they’re an ally, and peace-loving, and a friendly Islamic Republic!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 02, 2006 11:10 AM | Send

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