I’ve been found out

If laughter is the best medicine, I have my own built-in cure-all, the tribe of mentally challenged white right-wingers who keep penning e-mails to me with the wackiest grievances, special complaints, and accusations under the sun. Today, under the subject line, “Wolves in sheepskins,” John W. writes:

One of the problems of deciphering who is and who isn’t a conservative is the proliferation of liberals in conservatives’ clothing. One sign of a “liberal conservative” or a “conservative liberal” is how he grasps at allies rather than stand alone. Citing Melanie Phillips is an example of this. True conservatives realize that the usurpation of men’s roles by women is a sign of a society’s decline in the service of liberalism. Melanie Phillips would be truer to the conservative cause if she stayed a woman in the traditional sense…and not open her big mouth whatever the reason or cause. Congratulations on showing your true colors, Lawrence. I always suspected you had liberal leanings…

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 05, 2006 07:44 PM | Send

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