In Somalia, our worst enemy defeats a somewhat lesser enemy

Ken Hechtman writes:

Last weekend, Mogadishu just fell to the Islamic Courts Union, a Muslim militia openly loyal to Osama Bin Laden. This is as big a deal as the Taliban capturing Kabul 10 years ago. Since 2001, the jihadis have done everything they’ve done without having control of a nation-state, not even a failed one. That just changed a few days ago. This might be a whole new war.

So what’s the best the Texan can do about it? He’s throwing money at an alliance of anti-Islamist militias—the same ones Clinton fought. Including Habra Gird, the exact same people responsible for Blackhawk Down—because the other guys hate America even more.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 07, 2006 12:55 AM | Send

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