Maybe they’re standing like a stone wall, after all

Well, the GOP-led House of Representatives hasn’t quite followed our suggestion of refusing outright to go into a conference committee with the Senate on the immigration bills, but it may be doing the next best thing. The House Republican leaders are talking about holding hearings on the Senate bill, S.2611, before deciding whether to meet with the Senate about it. This is extraordinary. They’re saying in effect, “This bill is so questionable that we want to examine it in detail on our own, before we even decide if we want to negotiate with the Senate about it.”

The story, written by Suzanne Gamboa of the AP, starts off with a piece of absurdity that could only have come from a liberal:

Hopes for a quick compromise on immigration were dealt a blow Tuesday after House Speaker Dennis Hastert said he wanted to take a “long look” at a Senate bill offering possible citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants.

As though there were any hopes for a “quick” compromise! Only in the dreams of the open-borders crowd.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 15, 2006 08:24 AM | Send

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