The Belgian state’s war on Belien

The Belgian-EU authorities are trying to make life miserable for Paul Belien of the Brussels Journal. Two months ago they charged him with racism for something he had said about Islam. Now they’re investigating him for home-schooling his fifth child (the others were homeschooled through high school and went on to university), because he and his wife refused to sign a declaration agreeing to educate their children “respecting the respect [sic] for the fundamental human rights and the cultural values of the child itself and of others,” and any failure to do so means the child must be sent to state schools.

Just take that in. One of the reasons parents choose to home-school their children is to get them away from the leftist ideology that dominates the state schools. So now Belgium wants to turn home-schooling into an extension of that same ideology.

I am a radical on this issue. I favor the complete dismantling of state-run education.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 15, 2006 12:29 PM | Send

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