Sailer on Jewish judgment

Steve Sailer has an immensely long post on the Jews, specifically on why, despite the Jews’ intellectual and other abilities, they so often engage in such flawed intellectual analyses and show such poor political judgment. He offers a potpourri of thought-provoking explanations and examples, but, unfortunately, his approach starts to take on one of the Jewish traits he criticizes: he throws too many arguments into the mix for the reader to get a handle on the problem.

Mr. Sailer writes back, quite reasonably, that it is a blog, where one throws out a lot of ideas and sees which ones stick. To which I replied, probably unreasonably:

Yeah, I was expecting too much I guess, looking at it as an article instead of as a rough draft of thoughts, so to speak. But I have this phobia against writings that don’t cohere. It gives me mental indigestion. I like things to “fit.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 15, 2006 03:54 PM | Send

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